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Revision as of 03:03, 25 February 2017

Edda Greenwood
Social Rank 7
Fealty Grayson
House Greenwood
Gender Female
Age 34
Religion Shamanism
Vocation Soldier
Height Taller than 6'6"
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown-Green
Skintone Tanned
Authored By / Featured In


Towering and thickly built, with muscle packed onto a broad frame, her heft is impressive and her bearing one of quiet despite her sheer size. She is built for the wilds and wears the part in her movements and manner. Her skin is tanned from a steady outdoor life, weathered at the hands and feet, and scarred in several places. Intense, clear eyes of a mossy brown are set in an angular face framed by a mane of thick brown hair, oft kept braided back; her brows are level above her gaze, overhead of a long, straight nose and a wide mouth on a long, square jaw and proud chin.


Though typically a gentle giant, the more volatile parts of her are kept underneath of a tempered quietness and an agreeable manner. Her anger is volcanic rather than a steady heat,, with a tendency towards bursts of barbarity when loosened. Loyal to those she trusts and kind to those she believes are deserving of it, and showing a severe, grudging dislike for those that cross her. She may lack any senses of pettiness and the finer, devious thoughts of the nobility, though the sharp nail of a discrete wit, an earthy humor, and a distinct sense of rightness makes up for it.


Enigmatic when it comes to her past, Edda was originally an Abandoned tribesman from the darkest parts of the Deepwood Marches; before the era of tribal integration with the nobles and citizens of the Twainfort, she lived a solitary lifestyle as a ranger in the ancient forests there.

Once the tribes began the slow work of coming to terms with their new standing, she stood with them even though she may have chosen to remain an unknown. The matter was bigger than any one person, and she understood this quite well; though standing alongside her tribesmen, this didn't mean that she was eager to leave her home nor assimilate to the lifestyle at the Twainfort. Alliance aside, Edda remained a ranger, living and working from the forests until there came a reason to leave; that reason came in the form of her lord at the Twainfort. A visitation by another ranger tuned her in to the search for guards at the seat of Riven house. In the beginning she was passingly interested-- curious enough to go to the city and seek out more information. Tribal unrest alongside the citizens of the Riverlands was still an issue, thanks to so many years of the latter driving off the former. There was still much work to be done. Seeing that for herself, Edda felt inspired to help to change it. Perceptions and interaction were everything, and though she was by nature lonesome, it never meant a lack of compassion. It only ever meant that she had yet to find a place to direct it.

Inspired by the path of her people and stirred by the need for a bridge between them, Edda joined the house guard; though at the time lacking in certain training, she was a large survivor with a gentler soul than her frame might suggest, and this would lend itself greatly to her finding an ability to make connections with others. Learning the finer points of guardsmanship would come with time-- what led her there was neither power nor influence, but the desire to help in holding some semblance of cornerstones on massive shoulders.

As time moved on she became accustomed to the role, rising steadily through ranks until she became the head of guard for the Riven House.. It meant hard work, but it also meant that for years she worked alongside citizens of the Twainfort in keeping them safe. She was regarded as a trusted figure, despite her origins as a tribal Prodigal.

Wherever the riverlands found its banners called, Edda followed.