Raigner Redrain

Raigner Redrain
Social Rank 7
Fealty Crownsworn
"Crownsworn" is not in the list of possible values (Redrain, Valardin, Grayson, Thrax, Pravus, Lyceum, Crown) for this property.
House Redrain
Gender Male
Age 32
Religion Pantheon
Vocation Carpenter
Height 6'5
Hair Color Dirty Blond
Eye Color Blue
Skintone Chalky
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A rather brutish man in nature, just having left his twenties in age. He stands just below six and a half feet tall and has the shoulders of a brick shed, corded in muscle from a life of heavy and intense labor. He moves with a less than subtle absence of grace and dexterity, making up for it in his bulkish stature. He has slightly muddy-colored blond hair, braided in a simple and effective set behind his head, ending just at the base of his neck. Visible skin is a pale and halfway chalkish white, stormy blue eyes giving a bright contrast.


From humble beginnings in the deepest of the frozen north, Raigner often appears very simple in his visible nature, focused on his tinkerings and carvings more than many other things that are typically held first and foremost. He associates with very few, and seems at least somewhat introverted in comparison to the social climate of Arx.


Born to the cold of the frozen north, Raigner began his life of one of the most very base and simple ones. His father was a commoner, having never risen up in his area of the world more than needed to sustain the lowest requirements life could offer to keep a family. Raigner took to a life of manual labor just as his father did, practicing his ability to live off the land, sew, hunt and eventually learned woodworking. This was found to be his stride, and he began working in carpentry to some success, getting a low level of recognition and affiliation with the family Redrain for his skills in architectural departments, and for his get-it-done mentality. This progressed soon into ship building, and he learned a fair bit on how to operate on the sea, as well as how to hold his own against the unkempt kind often found travelling the water with an aged, trusted axe.